
Software Donations from the Charity Technology Trust (CTT)

Through this programme, eligible UK-based charities are able to request donated technology products from Partners such as Microsoft, Symantec and Cisco.

The products include operating system software and server software, security software and hardware products such as switches, routers, wireless equipment and firewalls.

CTT and TechSoup are actively working to further expand the programme to include donations from other leading corporate technology donors.

Charities are required to pay a small Administrative Fee to cover the costs of the programme. Whilst the administrative fees vary, charities will still make savings of between 92-96% on typical retail prices.

via About CTX | Charity Technology Exchange CTX.


Help your favorite nonprofit get a software donation

Today we’re announcing updates to our nonprofit software donations program to enable more nonprofits around the world to get easier access to the technology they need, when they need it.While we currently provide software donations to over 40,000 nonprofits each year, we’re just getting started and we need your help.

via Help your favorite nonprofit get a software donation – Microsoft Unlimited Potential Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs.