Innovations JustGiving Online Giving

Justgiving launches company fundraising platform

Justgiving has unveiled a new online platform for staff fundraising in a move the fundraising organisation predicts will boost company fundraising.

The company fundraising ‘tool’ sits within the Justgiving site, but is entirely branded by the company taking part. Employees can create profiles, teams and events from which they can raise money and the site ranks the most successful in each category. The site features a running total of staff fundraising, which companies will be able to match and will enable companies and their staff to support multiple first reported this service was in beta testing in April this year, with about 20 companies using the service in trial stage, but this morning Justgiving launched the service in full to other companies alongside a couple of the early adopters, Barclays and John Lewis. View the Waitrose company page here Justgiving said that financial companies were particularly interested in the service.

via Justgiving launches company fundraising platform – Civil Society – Fundraising – News – providing news and in-depth coverage of charities, voluntary organisations and not-for-profits.

General JustGiving

What is GiveCamp UK?

JustGiving are really excited to be supporting partners for the next GiveCampUK, where tech-minded folk come together and volunteer their time for one weekend and come up with some pretty cool stuff for charities.

Do you have something you’d like them to work on? Read on to find out how you can get involved and send in your ideas.

GiveCamp is a weekend-long event where technology professionals including designers, developers and database administrators join forces with technology marketers and web strategists to donate their time to providing solutions for non-profit and charity organisations.

The three day event takes place 21st and 24rd October in London, and is a chance for developers in particular to help make a difference to the sector.

via What is GiveCamp UK? « JustGiving blog.


JustGiving payment reports from 8th June 2011

On Wednesday 8th June we will be releasing some updates to the JustGiving service, which will affect reporting and data integration.

They will contain new data we can surface in your payment reports that will aid the support you give to your fundraisers and donors.We will be adding new columns to your reports, as well as tidying them up a little bit by changing the order.

via Wednesday 8th June: Important updates to your next JustGiving payment report : Help and support for JustGiving charities.


JustGiving – Payment Reports are changing

During the next month we will be releasing some updates to the JustGiving service, which will effect reporting and data integration. As a result, from 8th June there will be new data we can surface in your payment reports that will aid the support you give to your fundraisers and donors.

We will be adding new columns to your payment reports, as well as tidying them up a little bit by changing the order.

When will the layout of our reports change?

From Wednesday 8th June.

We understand that this means you may need to change the way you process your JustGiving payment reports and wanted to give you a month’s notice before the changes are made.

What is the new report layout?

At you can download two spreadsheets that outline the new format of your payment reports. These will give you:

– The new column names and order
– An explanation of the data which is included in each column

Innovations JustGiving

Justtextgiving – It’s time for the sector to get creative

This is a huge opportunity for charities and I think it shows that it’s time for the sector to get very creative and ambitious when coming up with ideas for how companies can help them.

I’m sure that if a couple of years ago someone had come up with the bright idea that one of the major mobile networks should fund the development and running of a totally free text donation service for every charity and fundraiser in the whole of the UK, they would have been laughed out the door.

via It’s time for the sector to get creative about working with companies – Third Sector blog | Blogs | Third Sector.